I used to go out to work but now I am a stay at home mum and I am loving it. Since starting this blog we have decided that we would love to live in Australia. In 2008 we submitted our visa application and in October we were granted our permanent residents visa.
One of the things I love to do when I am on holiday is looking round yarn shops. I have to rely on the internet for buying yarn at home, but nothing beats going into an actual shop and seeing and feeling all the different colours and textures. I was in Cornwall earlier this year and whilst there I had to re-visit one of my favourite shops which is in Penzance. I bought some fabulous yarn, one of which has been knitted into this scarf. The balls of yarn are made up of all different textured yarns it is amazing. I am really pleased with the finished item and feel tempted to keep it for myself. Now available to buy here
It was very exciting to discover that one of my items was recently featured on The Art Zoo. Petunia, my purple amigurumi bunny, who is for sale in my Etsy store was there as large as life staring back at me from the page of this great blog. Go check out The Art Zoo which is a photoblog featuring handmade products by independent artisans and crafters.
It is Jasper's birthday today, he is 2 years old. He got some new rubber balls to play with and some extra special doggy treats to chew on. He is being very uncooperative and will not let me take a new picture of him. Therefore I have used this one which is one of my favourites. He has a habit of jumping up into my chair when I take a break from the computer. I regularly find him asleep here. He is not looking so clean and tidy at the moment as this photo was taken not long after he had returned from his pampering session at the doggy beauty parlour. I think I might get him booked in soon as an extra special birthday treat.
Thank you to Purrprints for giving me the idea of purple and green for my sock monkey. The colours have worked really well together and I am pleased with the finished result. The first amigurumi sock monkey was put in my Etsy store last week and was sold immediately to a regular customer of mine.
I had a google alert in my mailbox today and I was both surprised and very excited to find that I had been mentioned on a fellow Etsian's blog. Check out Craftheart's lovely blog.